Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis The planet is facing
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Trump admin. adopts Biden’s vaccine plan, threatens to punish slow states
Enlarge / Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on December 14, 2020 in Washington, DC. (credit: Getty | Jacquelyn Martin) The Trump administration’s Operation
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10 of the best educational and developmental toys in the UK
Anyone with any experience of attempting to raise a child will know all too well how difficult it is to engage them in educational play.
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This Song Uses Star Sounds to Blow Your Mind
We’re made of star stuff, as Carl Sagan once said. Even crazier, elements heavier than iron on the periodic table mostly come from the remnants
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Let These Mind-Blowing Galaxy Simulations Melt Your Face Off
Everyone knows the cure for existential ennui is the Three P’s: Pint (of ice cream), Pink Floyd, and Pretty space pictures. While we can’t provide
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Are Vitamin Supplements Killing Our Gut Bacteria?
We consume all sorts of things before really knowing how they’re going to affect us, including probiotics and dietary supplements. But given how preliminary our
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