Bottled water is atrocious for the environment. You’re better off buying a water filter for healthier, tastier water For years, the debate has raged on:
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Unstable helium adds a limit on the ongoing saga of the proton’s size
Enlarge / The small particle accelerator in Switzerland where, surrounded by farms, the work took place. (credit: Paul Scherrer Institut) Physicists, who dedicate their lives
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“Warp speed,” “Prime Directive” predate Star Trek, per new reference tool
Enlarge / The term “warp drive” actually predates its first use in the long-running Star Trek franchise by 14 years. (credit: Paramount Pictures) There’s no
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84% of Mexican hand sanitizers toxic or flawed; FDA issues drastic alert
Enlarge / Hand sanitizer being applied to a person’s hand. (credit: Getty | Leopoldo Smith) The US Food and Drug Administration on Monday issued a
Read moreClimate crisis: world is at its hottest for at least 12,000 years – study
Scientists say temperatures globally at highest level since start of human civilisation The planet is hotter now than it has been for at least 12,000
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The Trump administration left Biden with a rocket dilemma
Enlarge / And the day that was comes to a close at NASA’s Stennis Space Center after the SLS rocket fired up for the Green
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