Image unexpectedly shows light and dark features, including Aphrodite Terra, a highland area near planet’s equator A newly released image from Nasa’s Parker Solar Probe
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Meet the Four Astronauts Flying on SpaceX’s Crew-2 Mission to the ISS
Four more astronauts will liftoff on April 20 for a six-month stay.
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Meet Maxwell’s gambling demon—smart enough to quit while it’s ahead
Enlarge / In a new version of the classic 19th century thought experiment, Maxwell’s demon plays the role of a gambler who knows when to
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A New Kind of Dark Energy Might Explain the Expansion of Our Universe
The consensus on cosmic expansion is evolving.
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Say ‘Hello’ to the Newest Super-Earth
If it has an atmosphere, it might be friendlier than you think.
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How an Ancient Woman’s Skull Ended up Stuck in a Steep Cave
Could the nature have given her decapitated skull a long and bumpy funeral ritual?
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