Spotted: As battery manufacturing takes off, so does the production of sodium sulphate – a waste product of the industry. And, according to one report
Read moreHeating up low-cost materials to store energy
Spotted: Heat remains one of the world’s most significant energy products, accounting for at least 50 per cent of energy consumption and 45 per cent
Read moreTackling single-use plastic with IoT dispensers
Spotted: Single-use items are the worst offender when it comes to the world’s plastic problem. Almost all single-use plastics are produced from fossil fuels and
Read moreRice projects reduce methane from farming
Spotted: Rice is a staple component of countless cuisines around the world, with over 513 million metric tonnes of the grain produced in the last
Read moreA super-material made from aluminium scrap
Spotted: Aluminium is an extremely versatile metal. Lightweight, electrically and thermally conductive, and corrosion-resistant, it’s used in everything from kitchen foil to aeroplane components. Most
Read moreHelping deaf people follow group chats
Spotted: Taking part in group conversations can be very difficult for hearing-impaired and deaf people, particularly when multiple people are talking and information can be
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