Do the cords of your headphones look like some sort of impossible puzzle after spending just a few minutes inside a pocket or purse? Turns
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Der Fall Siemens zeigt, wie schwierig es für Konzerne ist, ihre hehren Klimaversprechen einzuhalten. Umweltschützer haben längst auch Großprojekte anderer Unternehmen im Visier.
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A good set of headphones is a necessity nowadays, especially when the world is so noisy. There is nothing better than throwing on some comfortable
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Die gängigsten Projektmanagement-Methoden im Überblick Traditionell oder agil, PMI, Wasserfall, Scrum oder Kanban: Solche und ähnliche Begriffe fallen immer wieder, wenn von Projekten die Rede
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There is a common trap that a lot of shoppers fall into and it’s that you need to spend big to get the best technology.
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Being able to take your music with you wherever you go is one of the great wonders of smartphone technology, and is improved by a
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